Monday, January 17, 2011

Year of the Metal Rabbit (2011)


The Rabbit needs to prepare for a difficult year ahead as the Wu Wang brings misfortune and bad luck.

- Best to have cures for Wu Wang (5 Yellow) & Tai Sui.
- Good Year to lie low and stay cool.
- Avoid overspending.
- Remain focus at all times and work hard
- There might be setbacks at times
- Watch one’s health & maintain a healthy diet

Lucky Star(s) :
Jin Kui, Jiang Xing

Unlucky Star(s):
Da Sha, Tian Ku, Tai Sui, Jian Feng, Fu Shi

Auspicious Direction: Northwest
Auspicious No: 11
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow & Brown

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) 5 Element Pagoda – To overcome the 5 Yellow affliction
2) Blue Water Globe – To activate the Water Energy
3) Dragon Tortoise – To overcome obstacles
4) Tai Sui Amulet – To appease the Tai Sui
5) Ru Yi – To enhance career luck and gain power & influence others


The Dragon is going to have a better year as heaven luck is on your side. There are indications of many small but significant events where you will make steady gains in achieving your goals. Do not be overly ambitious as you are indirectly affected by a misfortune star and this means that failure is likely if you do not plan properly.

- Excellent speculative and windfall luck
- Unexpected gains and success
- Indirectly affected by the 5 Yellow, try to get more rest and don’t get overstress
- Stability

Lucky Star(s) :
Tai Yang, Ban An

Unlucky Star(s):
Yin Sha, Tian Kong, Hui Qi, Liu Hai

Auspicious Direction: North & Southwest
Auspicious No: 1 & 9
Auspicious Colour(s) : Black, Blue & Grey

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) 5 Element Pagoda – To overcome the 5 Yellow affliction
2) 6 Coloured Crystal Ball – For smooth & peaceful relationship
3) 6 Rod Dragon Windchime – To activate one personal direction of Southeast
4) Yi Liang Jing – To boost & attract good fortune & money luck.

5) Heaven Luck Activator - To activate heaven's luck


The Snake can look forward to yet another great year filled with lots of success and heaven luck! You will see many auspicious events materialize. This is a year when goals can be realized.

- Excellent speculative and windfall luck
- New strategies and success
- Good Career luck but beware of office politics
- Good networking and popularity luck
- Be Humble at all times

Lucky Star(s) :
Yi Ma

Unlucky Star(s):
Gu Chen, Di Sha, Sang Men, Di Sang, Po Sui, Da Sha, Fei Lian

Auspicious Direction: South
Auspicious No: 7
Auspicious Colour(s) : Red

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Heaven Luck Activator – Enhance Heaven’s Luck
2) Victory Banner – To bring one victory & success luck
3) 6 Birds Water Feature – To activate your personal direction of Southeast
4) Om Mani Padme Hum Amulet – For protection against danger


The good luck of the Horse continues with 2 stars of Big Auspicious. Take advantage of this as much as possible. While you could encounter a number of obstacles your luck is such that you are able to overcome them.

- Good Year ahead but might encounter minor illness
- New Opportunities at work & good promotion luck
- Business expansion is good but stay alert at all times
- Health luck is not optimistic this year
- Be patient and exercise self control over temper

Lucky Star(s) :
Tai Yin, Tian Xi

Unlucky Star(s):
Tian E, Guan Suo, Gou Shen

Auspicious Direction: Northwest
Auspicious No: 11
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow, Brown

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Crane or Wu Lou – To protect one against sickness
2) Vashudhara Buddha – To enhance wealth luck
3) Tai Sui Amulet – To appease the Tai Sui
4) Chi Lin – To activate promotion luck
5) Samantahbahdra sitting on elephant – To protect one from danger
6) Medicine Buddha – To overcome illness


Family becomes more important this year with career taking second place. This is due to the Relationship Star as the Earth Seal and Yin House affecting Sheep’s temperament.

- Moderate Year for both wealth & career
- Spend more time with family to strengthen ties
- Excellent prospect in love & marriage
- Excellent education & exam luck
- Easily distracted over family matters
Lucky Star(s) :
Jie Shen, San Tai, Tian Jie

Unlucky Star(s):
Fei Fu, Hua Gai, Xue Ren, Fu Chen, Nian Fu, Guan Fu, Wu Gui

Auspicious Direction: East & South
Auspicious No: 4 & 7
Auspicious Colour(s) : Green & Red

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) 6 Crystal Balls – To enhance smooth relationship
2) Samantahbahdra Buddha – To protect against danger
3) Red Dragon amulet – To dissipate arguments and anger
4) Mandarin Ducks – To activate romance luck


The Monkey can look forward to a pleasant year, so long as you do not let your enhanced Peach Blossom luck cause problems. Carry amulets to protect against infidelities.

- Better year for family and relationship
- There might be small losses from burglary & dishonest people, so beware
- Excellent luck in love & marriage
- Indirect conflicts with the 3 killings
- Easily become victim of office politics

Lucky Star(s) :
Di Jie, Yue De

Unlucky Star(s):
Jie Sha, Xiao Hao, Si Fu

Auspicious Direction: North & Southeast
Auspicious No: 1 & 5
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow, Brown, Black & Blue

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Pair of Mandarin Ducks – To enhance romance luck
2) Golden Dragon – To improve overall luck
3) Bejewelled Tree of Life with Birds – Enhance growth energy and prosperity luck
4) 3 Celestial creatures – To overcome 3 Killings
5) Blue Rhino/Elephant – To protect against burglary & monetary losses


2011 brings some challenges and these will open your eyes to the power of your own inner energy. The Rooster afflicted by three unlucky stars which can create chaos if not subdued.

- Not a great year as one faces big challenges ahead
- Good opportunities for establishing long term projects
- Do not be too trusting, you need allies
- Romance luck is unstable
- Lay low for this year and make plans for future prosperity
- Avoid making important & big decisions
Lucky Star(s) :

Unlucky Star(s):
Zai Sha, Lan Gan, Sui Po, Da Hao, Sui Sha

Auspicious Direction: Southeast
Auspicious No: 5
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow, Brown

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Om Ah Hum Pendant – To protect one against danger
2) 3 Celestial Creatures – To overcome 3 Killings
3) Dragon – To borrow ‘secret friend’ luck
4) Tai Sui Amulet – To appease the Tai Sui
5) 9 Rings Sword – To activate the no 9 star


The Dog encounters good luck, but although your star shines bright, there are conflicting energies. You are affected by the 3 Killings star.

- Excellent year with small success
- Indirect conflict with the 3 Killings
- Beware of office politics and jealous colleagues
- Wealth luck and overall health luck good
- Good news awaits

Lucky Star(s) :
Sui He, Zi Wei, Long De

Unlucky Star(s):
Huang Fan, Tian E, Bao Bai

Auspicious Direction: East, South & Northwest
Auspicious No: 4, 7 & 11
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow, Brown, Green & Red

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) 3 Divine Guardians – To overcome 3 Killings, place in Northwest
2) 9 Wealth Gods sitting on ship – To attract wealth luck
3) Ru Yi – To bring one power and success, enhance career luck
4) White Dzambhala – To enhance wealth luck


Excellent prospects are indicated for the Boar with a number of auspicious stars coming into your chart. While the lucky stars indicate wonderful news, there is also the Yi Duo Star to contend with. This affects success potential, so you may end up seeing opportunities pass you by.

- Good wealth luck
- Success luck is moderate
- Good vibes and receive assistance from friends
- Good Health Luck

Lucky Star(s) :

Unlucky Star(s):
Di Sha, Tian Xiong, Bai Hu

Auspicious Direction: East
Auspicious No: 4
Auspicious Colour(s) : Green

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Crystal Pyramid – To activate the auspicious star and to preserve wealth
2) Rich Keychain – To activate money luck
3) Rose Quartz Stone – To increase popularity
4) Vashudhara Buddha – To bring prosperity luck


The Rat enjoys plenty of success and career luck, the energy of the year makes you confrontational with a tendency to lose your temper.

- Good year ahead but full of stress & strain
- Much quarrels & stress create obstacles ahead
- Be patient and do not make hasty decisions
- Plenty of inner energy and self confidence
- Big success during the year
- Health luck moderate
- Love luck is good but one needs to be more considerate and avoid arguments

Lucky Star(s) :
Fu Xing, Hong Luan & Tian De

Unlucky Star(s):
Nian Sha, Juan She, San Xing, Xian Chi, Jiao Sha

Auspicious Direction: Southeast & Southwest
Auspicious No: 5 & 9
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow, Brown & White

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Water Crystal Amulet – To enhance water energy of the year
2) Evil Eye Keychain – To overcome office politics & jealousy
3) Tai Sui Amulet – To appease the Tai Sui
4) Wu Lou – To enhance health luck


The Ox has the Star of Golden Deity as well as the Career Star. Surrounded by two stars of Big Auspicious, the Ox can look forward to a good year with gains in finance and excellent improvements in personal happiness.

- Good year ahead with achievements & developments
- Increase in income & money luck
- Upward mobility & superlative success
- Support from superior and mentor luck
- Seek new growth & show creativity
- Love luck is good

Lucky Star(s) :
Ba Zuo

Unlucky Star(s):
Gua Su, Yang Ren, Yue Sha, Diao Ke, Bao Wei, Pi Tou, Tian Gou

Auspicious Direction: North
Auspicious No: 1
Auspicious Colour(s) : Black & Blue

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Double Dragon Water Feature – To enhance career luck in Northeast
2) Water Crystal Amulet – To enhance water energy of the year
3) Victory Banner – To achieve success
4) Blue Rhino/Elephant – To protect against people with bad intentions
5) Evil Eye Keychain – To guard against office politics & jealousy
6) Crane/Ru Yi – To improve career & promotion luck


The Tiger enjoys victory luck, which is further improved by the Star of Big Auspicious as well as the Star of Heaven.

- Good year ahead with lots of success and great accomplishments
- Strong heaven luck
- New developments in career
- Abundant Wealth, business expansion is possible
- Minor obstacles that can be overcome easily

Lucky Star(s) :

Unlucky Star(s):
Wang Shen, Bing Fu, Tian Guan Fu

Auspicious Direction: Northwest
Auspicious No: 1
Auspicious Colour(s) : Yellow & Brown

Feng Shui Cures & Remedies

1) Heaven Luck Activator Keychain – To enhance Heaven’s Luck
2) Crystal Pyramid – To attract good fortune luck & wealth preservation
3) 5 Element Pagoda – To overcome 5 Yellow affliction in East
4) Tree of Life – Transforming bad luck into good luck for the year