Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gold Ingots

What gold ingots symbolizes and how to place this object?

Gold ingots are ancient chinese gold medium for exchanging expensive goods. They are made to look like a smiley face because gold ingots trigger happiness when one sees it. Gold ingots have been designed by ancient Feng Shui masters with a perfect shape to emit wealth chi. They were owned in ancient times by high ranking officials, emperors and tycoons only. Gold ingots are highly recommended by all Feng Shui masters as the symbol of wealth and abundance. Gold ingots are also essential items for wealth ships and wealth vase. Gold ingots are best placed in front of Wealth Deities such as Fuk Luk Sau, Tua Peh Kong and Chai Shen Yeh.

Gold ingot is essential for business success when carefully placed important areas. It not only create abundance in wealth, but also protect your existing wealth from being loss:

1. Display the gold ingots in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate and enhance your wealth luck.2

. Display the gold ingots facing your entrance so that you can see it as you enter to invite wealth and multiple fortune luck into your homes at chi entry points.

3. Display the gold ingots in your office and shops to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.

4. Display the gold ingots in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for money finding opportunities. The strong earth energy from these genuine jasper crystal would magnify the metal energy in the NW to invite benefactors luck as well.

5. The gold ingot image is a must for Tycoons and for those doing any kind of business seeking for success. The symbols sends vibes to our minds to remind us of money seeking opportunities.

6. Gold ingots are essential items for wealth ships and wealth vases.

Place 1, 3, 6 or even better if 8 pieces to activate wealth energy in Period 8.

7. Display 3 of these gold ingots in the top left hand corner of your work desk to activate support from your bosses and promotional luck.

Note: Do not place gold ingots on the floor and toilets

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