Wednesday, January 26, 2011

5 Element Pagoda with Tree of Life Charm

In Flying Star Feng Shui, the 5 Yellow is regarded as the most vicious star as it brings about financial loss and accidents to those who happen to live in the afflicted location, or shares the same animal direction as the direction of the 5 Yellow.

For the year 2011 - Year of the Golden Rabbit, the 5 Yellow flies into the East, and creates problems for the Rabbit and anyone who resides in the East of the home. Hence this amulet has been designed to overcome the Five Yellow afflictions for both years as it carries the Tree Of Life with Jewels to not only contain the 5 Yellow, but also suppress its energy in a most fierce way. The Tree of Life gives life where there is no life, and it also symbolizes Wood, the element that overcomes the afflicted earth element which is the 5 Yellow. Behind the Tree of Life is the OM AH HUM mantra which protects the wearer from accidents and spirit harm.

UP: $36.00
Promo Price :$25.80 (includes normal local postage)