What is Numerology?
Numerology provides a complete personality lifestyle profile when we apply the meanings of individual numbers to our birth names and birth dates. The numbers of our names describe the things that we are born knowing. The numbers of our birth dates describe the things we have to learn. Somehow, people relates immediately to their names.
Numerology’s simple mathematical bases its startling revelations on over 11,000 years of existence. Prehistoric, ancient Greek, and Elizabethan-Age societies all recognized its efficacy. Clan leaders, philosophers and priests throughout the ages have organised its psychical information. Modernised in the 6 BC, today, it is a down-to-earth, straight forward, speedy system for self-examination and charting opportunities.
Every metaphysical science is about recognizing the hidden relationships between the visible and the invisible, the obvious and the obscure, matter and energy. Nothing stands alone in this universe. Everything is connected to everything else. It is simply a matter of following a thread. Sometimes the connections are obvious. Sometimes they are not.
The concept that your name as given at birth reveals much about you as a human being; your personality, your likes and dislikes, your talents and your weaknesses, may be somewhat strange on the surface, but a closer look offers a different picture.
What can knowing about yourself do for you?
There will be some characteristics that you may not have discovered nor shown yet. Knowing about yourself can enable you to better prepare for what's coming to you and adjust your plans accordingly. This will help to ensure you will live life to the fullest.
When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you will be able to make use of your strengths, be aware of your weak points.
Is it an act of superstitious, witchcraft or taboo?
Do not worry, the method is based on proven mathematical computations on your name and date of birth to derive all about you. Somehow, the element of accuracy is there!
One can look at numerology in different ways. One, using numerology to understand ones characters, strengths and weaknesses, this is the main core of numerology. Also, to look into the future using its predicting functions to generate awareness of oneself.
What do I gain from Numerology?
It is a form of guidance to create awareness of yourself. It is also a way to guide you into the future.
What is the difference between Astrology, Palmistry and etc to Numerology?
Astrology, Palmistry and etc are other methodologies that derive to a person. In short, different approaches to look at a person from different angles. Its like driving to a same destination by different means.
We're offering Numerology reading by Master Teo
Interested parties, pls email us at worldofengshui@hotmail.com for more details.