Monday, June 15, 2009

Three Treasures Wealth Bowl

What Wealth bowl symbolizes?

Wealth bowls depicting treasures overflowing with gold ingots is extremely auspicious to accumulate abundance of wealth in your business premises and homes. In Asia, nearly all successful shops will have this powerful symbol at their reception or cashiers to attract in prosperity luck and lots of fortune. Also display this wonderful energizer of prosperity luck on your desk to attract lots of wealth and good fortune into your office.

The gold ingots is called "yuan bao" in chinese. Because the word for ingots contains "yuan", three ingots creates a rebus for the three "yuans"; thus "san yuan". "San yuan" refers to "jie yuan", "hui yuan" and "zhuang yuan". It is the highest manifestation of wealth in terms of the imperial ranking. The coins are from the beginning reign of Ching Dynasty: - Shun Chi (1644-1661), Kang Hsi (1661-1722), Yung Cheng (1723-1735), Chien Lung (1736-1796), Chia Ching (1796-1820) and Tao Kwong (1820-1850). It is during the beginning reign of these six emperors that the Ching Dynasty was enjoying good fortune, prosperity and power.Six round crystal balls (resembles the auspicious heaven luck number) is a special feng shui ritual to foster loving relationships, ensures a smooth and easy ride through life for residents and create a harmonious family.

In Period 8, due to dominance in earth energy, these 6 crystal balls become a very powerful energizer of auspicious star for good luck.

This wealth bowl promises heaven luck and windfall, it contains the following wealth magnifier:

1. Leaded Sparkling Crystal Bowl

2. Yellow Jasper Crystal Balls - to harvest heaven energies in our surroundings

3. Yellow Jasper Ingots - to represent "san yuan" in creating maximum wealth.

4. 6 Emperor Coins of the most powerful reign - to invite wealth, fortune, luck for patriarch and networking luck. Together, they form the three complete treasures!

The three treasures are particularly useful in raising the bar of ones wealth acquisition.

Wealthbowl is essential for business success when carefully placed important areas. It not only create abundance in wealth, but also protect potential wealth loss:

1. Display the wealth bowl in your living or family rooms, business premises and offices, especially in southeast corner (wealth corner) to activate and enhance your wealth luck.

2. Display the wealth bowl facing your entrance so that you can see it as you enter to invite wealth and multiple fortune luck into your homes at chi entry points.

3. Display the wealth bowl in your office and shops to ring in more sales and achieve more monetary gains and successes.

4. Display the wealth bowl in the Northwest sector to activate your financial support luck for money finding opportunities.

5. The wealth bowl image is a must for everyone and for those doing any kind of business seeking for success. The symbols sends vibes to our minds to remind us of money seeking opportunities.

6. If you desire speculative luck, you can keep your lucky lottery ticket number into this wealth bowl to harvest a prize. Display this by your bedside in your bedroom.

Note: Do not place wealth bowls on the floor, toilets and kitchen.

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