Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mystic Knot with Amethyst Earrings

The Mystic Knot is the most influential symbol in Period 8. Those wearing this powerful mystic knot symbol will have the influence of the number 8 tripled, thus enjoy extra good fortune. Mystic knot is also equivalent to the infinity sign done multiple times. This most sort-after earrings should be worn to multiply your health luck, wealth luck, relationship luck and extremely good fortune in all areas of your life in the Period 8.

Amethyst good for metabolic system. Excellent for taking away headaches and releases tension. It boost production of hormones, and tunes the endocrine system. Amethyst strengthens the cleansing and eliminating organs and the immune system.

An excellent cleanser for the blood , it relieves physical, emotional, and psychological pain or stress.This stone reduces bruising, injuries, and swellings, and treats hearing disorders. It heals dis-eases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and dis-eases of the digestive tract. It is beneficial for the intestines, regulating flora, removing parasites, and encouraging re-absorption of water.

Amethyst treats insomnia and brings restful sleep.

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