Feng Shui Metal Cures
Metal Cures in Feng Shui formulate an outstanding remedy when the evil energies as the 5 Yellow Star and 2 Black Star choose to take up annual residence in your home. The following Metal Cures will weaken the negative energies of these stars that will cause bad luck, ill health, mishaps, legal problems, accidents and just an overall run of bad luck.
Most Feng Shui Practitioners make the mistake of trying to control the nasty energy of the 2 & 5 with wood thus causing conflict. Metal is an element that weakens earth, if you imagine a metal spade digging up earth, you will never control it but will weaken it.
Wood on the other hand controls and destroys earth, imagine a tree's roots in the ground they would break up the earth and this would cause many problems from chronic illness to very bad luck.