Friday, April 24, 2009

Obsidian Bracelet (Rectagular)

A simple and beautiful bracelet made with rectangular Obsidian beads strung on tough elastic cordings.

Benefits and Healing Properties of Obsidian Crystal

Obsidian is a perfect crystal for you if your personal self-esteem and confidence needs a boost. Obsidians are also known as the Mirror Stone that expands one’s consciousness. Obsidian is a very protective stone and is excellent for blocking out and dissolving negative energies, thus protecting you against evil intentions. Obsidians are also effective at fighting stress and depression; promoting release of grievances and acceptance of the past.

In physical healing, Obsidian crystal has the ability to relieve pain, remove toxin from our bodies, improves circulation and accelerate healing of wounds. It benefits the muscle tissues, stomach and intestines.

This crystal product will be cleansed of negative energy by using the singing bowl before shipment to empower it with positive Sheng Ch'i

Price Per Pc : $32.80