Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mythical Crane with Wulou & Lingzhi - $48

Product Description

Ancient feng shui texts noted that the crane is another most important bird symbol in feng shui next to the mythical phoenix. The crane represents the patriarch of kingdom of the wings and is the bird of immortality. The beautiful crane can fly to the heaven and is endowed with many mythical attributes and the symbol of immortality, happiness and longevity. It is the greatest sign of longevity, stability, steadiness, good fortune, support and protection. There is a mini wulou made from natural rainbow obsidian on the neck of the crane to safeguard your health from the attack of evil stars. Very suitable as the best anniversary gift, birthday gift or limited collective ornament. The receiver will achieve good health, longevity, safety, fame, riches and long career

What the crane symbolizes and how to place this object?

The ancient feng shui texts noted that the crane is another most important bird symbol in feng shui next to the mythical phoenix. Known as patriarch of kingdom of the wings, the beautiful crane can fly to the heaven and is endowed with many mythical attributes and the symbol of immortality, happiness and longevity. It lived over 1000 years and does not need food but only consume water. Cranes also bring wisdom, solve all kinds of problems, dissolves

hindrances/obstacles allowing upward progression and attainment of great heights with honor.

For those who frequently travel, the crane blesses them with smoothness of flight. Emperors of China use the crane symbol to signify high position of power, staying in power, resilience and a life filled with honors. A pair of cranes in our living hall denotes the patriarch and matriarch living through till the ripe age, and the continuation of an intact and harmonious family.

This crane would bring you very good fortune and magical improvements to your life in many areas:

1. Display the crane in the south of your home, important rooms or office to invite fame luck, enhance popularity and recognition in your work. Ensure your talents and hard work is acknowledge by the right people. It will bring upward mobility in all aspects of your life.

2. Display the crane in the west of your home to benefit your children and bring good luck, scholastic capability, good fortune and overall enhancement for your children.

3. Display this crane in the Northwest to benefit the patriach. The presence of the crane would ensure smoothness in family income, riches to the whole family, support from the most important people and good family name in the NW.

4. Display in the Southwest to benefit the Matriarch and the health of the matriarch. The mother would stand out and become more significant in terms of family influence, earning income and promotion.

5. Display in the east to improve the health of the whole family. Cranes and tortoise in the east will ensure everyone at home living till a ripe age filled with wealth prosperity and riches. It would also benefit ailing or old people of the family. For those who fall sick frequently, you may place this feng shui ornament by the bedside as well for blessing from heaven.

Material: Brass

Color: Gold

Dimension(in): 3.6x.2.2x4.4 in Weight: 400g

Price Per Pc : $48 (does not include postage)

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