Sunday, April 5, 2009

Jade Double Fengshui Wu Lo Hanging with Mystic Knot - $12.80

Jade Double Fengshui Wu Lo Hanging

This Feng Shui Hanging is an adorable piece featuring two jadeite wu lou tied to red silk cording embellished with a decorative bead and mystic knot for doubly good health luck!
Wu Lou is a powerful symbol representing good health and longevity luck which also brings an abundance of divine blessings. The shape of a Wu Lou is believed to be a representation of Heaven and Earth united in miniature. Chinese legend has it that the wu lou holds the elixir of life and vitality.

Displaying a Wu Lou in and around the home is a good thing to have to enhance one’s Feng Shui.

To enhance your health luck with this lovely item, hang it in your rearview mirror of your car, near the entrances of rooms or on the side your bed, or tie it to your bags, briefcases and such. With the aid of this Wu Lou tassel, sickness may be prevented and ailing people will recover faster. Also acts as a protection against harm when travelling.

JADE, or ‘yu’ in Chinese is also known as the "Stone of Heaven”. Jade is a desired stone prized for thousands of year in China for its protective powers and healing qualities. It is also said to stimulate creativity and mental agility, and enhance one’s health.

Price Per Pc : $12.80 (include normal local postage)

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