Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Golden Feng Shui Ksitigarbha Fireball Key Chain - $16

Golden Feng Shui Ksitigarbha Fireball Key Chain

This is a Ksitigarbha Fireball keychain with Mantra engraved on it, perfect to cure the hostile #3 flying star. The #3 Hostile star also known as the Argumentative star brings quarrels, arguments, misunderstanding, disagreement, verbal assaults, hostilities, negative encounters, lawsuits and legal entanglements. Aggression and conflict-based problems such as gossip, rumor-mongering and back-stabbing will arise. Relationships will suffer from tension and stress caused by this inauspicious star #3.

In Feng Shui, the combination of Fire and metal will effectively suppress the #3 hostile star which is a wood element. Carry the Ksitigarbha Fireball with Mantra Key Chain with you all the time to dissipate the bad energy caused by the star

Price Per Pc : $16

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