Monday, April 20, 2009

Common FAQs for Fengshui Items

Common FAQs for Fengshui Items

Do we need to "kai guang" for the Fengshui Items we purchase?

Fengshui items work because of its actual element composition or the element it represents. It's not a spiritual item which you pray to. So there's no need to "kai guang" but need to place it at the right location and direction.

We prefer to see people separate the traditional fengshui (Flying Star, 8 Mansion Theory, 5 Elements, etc) and other elements (figures, prayers, etc) We take a neutral position on the effectiveness or the necessities of "kai guang or consecration ceremony"

Are your items cleansed before mailing out?

Any Fengshui Items purchased from us will be cleansed using the singing bowl before mailing out.

The reason of using a singing bowl to cleanse the item is to rejuvanate fresh new energy prior to shipping to ensure potency.

Once it reaches you, you may just use mineral water to rinse the item, dry and put to good use :)

For any further enquiries/doubts, pls do not hesitate to email us at

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