The Chinese Zodiac Animals, Allies and Secret Friends
The Chinese Zodiac Horoscope has 12 animals starting with the rat and followed by the ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and boar. Depending on the year you were born in, you will belong to one of those Zodiac animals.
These animal signs are further divided into four major groups of three animals each believed to have affinity towards each other, complement each other well, with similar personalities and outlooks in life. The people born in the years of the same group are special friends and buddies that you can talk to and help you in times of need. They are your Allies. On top of that, each of the animal sign has one secret friend. A secret friend is someone you can always depend on, and will always be there by your side, to protect you and never let you down.
Place images of your Horoscope allies and secret friends in the sector corresponding to your sign to enhance your personal wealth luck. You may also activate the same sector with the intrinsic element of your Zodiac sign e.g. Earth for Dragon. You may display the enhancers according to big Tai Chi (house) or small Tai Chi (living room, bedroom, work desk etc.). You will also benefit by placing them in the sectors correspond to your allies, for example, if you are TIGER, you can place the enhancers in the sectors that belong to the HORSE of DOG. Wear or carry your Zodiac Sign and its Allies Amulet for maximum results. This Feng Shui remedy is recommended by many Feng Shui masters and will not disappoint you.
Your Zodiac animal, its allies and secret friend will ensure a smooth sailing and successful year ahead as you will always have your allies and secret friend to assist you whether it be at work, at school or in your business, during good or difficult times. If your horoscope reading says you will experience a tough year ahead, especially if you will be in direct conflict with the Grand Duke, you should take extra precautions of severe bad luck will fall on you for that year.
Wear your allies and secret friend for protection, to give you the strength to see through it, help you to overcome obstacles, and make the most out of it to reap maximum benefits. Your allies will also help you to keep friends loyal to you, preventing betrayal from acquaintances you thought were friends.
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