Monday, March 23, 2009

5-Element Pagoda Keychain (Heaven-Earth-Mankind) - $16

Product Description

This five element pagoda keychain made from genuine brass has a the chinese characters "tian-ti-ren" (heaven-earth-mankind).

This keychain is normally required for the following situations:

1. When one's zodiac is invaded by 5-Yellow and 2-Illness energy during certain year or month.

2. Those living in bedrooms that are located in 5-Yellow and 2-Illness areas will suffer from the afflictions. In 2009, 5-Yellow is in the North and the 2-Illness is in the west.

3. For houses that are in the axis where either 5-Yellow and 2-Illness is, especially even more pronounce if the maindoor is in those locations. In 2009, houses with axis east-west and north-south will be afflicted by such kind of energy.Note: This pagoda is made from 100% pure brass and is from the original mold. Its quality is different from immitation material and mold. Unlike the 6 inch Trinity Pagoda, this tiny five piece stack up are permanent, and cannot be unscrewed due to size limitation.

What 5 Element Pagoda symbolizes?

The Feng Shui Master's 5 Element Pagoda is a more superior and effective cure considered by many authentic masters compared to windchime, coins and metal wu lou. This pagoda is intelligently designed by the grandmasters and made from strong brass (representing strong metal element) to effectively counter strong earth energy from 5-Yellow and Illness Star#2 in Period 8. It is also potent to ward off bad energy, illnesses, evil and killing forces in our surroundings. This is the "tradesecret" of many authentic masters in the classical feng shui world in Southeast Asia, and rarely could be found in the West.

The stack-up of five different shapes (in three dimension) represent the productive cycle of the powerful five elements, which is the basis of feng shui studies. The square at the bottom represents earth element, which produces metal element, that in turn produces water element, which produces wood element and finally yields fire element at the top.

Price Per Pc : $15 (include normal local postage)

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